Thursday, September 17, 2009

Canning Like Crazy!!!

Our Garden has done awesome this year and it has been our goal this summer to garden for production and bottle as much as we can for the Winter. We have done 435 bottles so far. We are not done yet. We have done Raspberry, Strawberry, & Mulberry Jam, Stewed & Jalapeno Tomatoes, Beets, Corn, Tomatillos, Jalapenos, Hot Pickled Veggies, Green Beans, Pickled Beans, Pears, Squash, & Chilies. We plan on doing quite a few more items as they become ready. As you can see it has been quite a busy time at our house!!

Shye Anne's Birthday & Letitia's Visit!!

We celebrated Shye Anne's 10th Birthday on Sept 8th! She is excited to be in the older Achievement Night girl's class!! We have celebrated a lot of Birthdays!!!

We were also excited Letitia came to visit. For those of you who don't know, she is now married with a baby due in February!! We just found out it is going to be a boy!! So, I am going to be a Grandma, can you believe it? I can't!!

Abbigayle's & Price's Birthday!!

We celebrated Abbigayle's 12th Birthday on July 31st and she is now going into the Young Women's. She has been ready to do this forever.

We also had Price's 14th Birthday on Sept 7th. I can't believe he is now a
teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood and he can also get his learner's permit!!!
Crazy how time flies.